Welcome to the isasi@erols.com voter portal!

The International Council of ISASI welcomes you to VoteNet. The goals for implementing the electronic ballot are to make it easier, faster for members to vote and to significantly reduce postage, labor, and materials costs. We depend upon the participation of the eligible membership to make this a success. As you vote, please consider how the International Council shapes the programs and direction our Society takes. This is another action taken by the Council to insure that our resources are spent in a productive manner. Please participate and take advantage of this opportunity to elect your International Council Officers for the next two years. Voting is strictly confidential and only the results will be available to the Ballot Certification Committee. Your vote counts! Voting will open July 18 and close September 19, 2020.

Thank you for participating in the 2020 ISASI International Council election. This is an important step in modernizing our election procedures and we hope to gain voters over our past methodology. Be assured that your vote is confidential and will announce the results up completion of the voting period.